Saturday, April 15, 2017

Long Time Gone

Where, Oh where, have I been?  It's been some time since I last wrote anything on my blog, but I am finally feeling up to returning to all that has been put aside for what seems like forever!  Just as the Dixie Chicks say in their song I've been "a long time gone" and I'm coming back and it will be in the way I choose!

It's been well over a year since my life took an unexpected turn.  To write about it helps me find a way to move forward.  Most things in life are learning experiences and all this has been just that for me.  Sometimes we get forced into learning something we didn't want but have absolutely NO choice - this has one of those.

As the saying goes, to make a long story short (at least I'll try) - After overcoming several "fears" that I have, I had to face a situation that probably we all fear - and that is cancer.  First came tests, biopsies, consultations, more tests, surgery, recovery, more consultations, lots and lots of soul searching and questioning, then treatments and even more tests.  The protocol I followed was to be every two weeks for six months.  Yes finally, they are over with and had a few bumps in the road.  I was luckier than many, from the start, but it sure is something that was difficult to deal with.  I'll just say it was a hard situation to learn from.  There are so many people to thank for helping me down this road.  Their support and care, was so very, very appreciated!  It's not a situation that you can really say is completely over, though.  There will still be more tests moving forward, and I'm thrilled to say the first one is complete with good results.  Talking with others who have had to deal with any diagnosis of cancer, it becomes a part of you,  like it or not.

It's been a slow process to feeling like myself again.  Energy was a big factor in this process, especially when you don't like to have anything slow you down.  It's a situation that is difficult to handle!

I'm happy to be done with where I was just a year ago.  It's a time to be grateful for so much.  Grateful for those who were helpful, thoughtful, understanding, encouraging and patient.

Much had to be put aside to take the steps needed to get to today.  Now I believe I'm ready to move on.  The plan is to start doing all that was put on hold and that will mostly be what I enjoy the most - being creative and sharing with others.  I have already lead a "crafting" evening with a group of ladies where I live, with another planned for next month.  Joined a singing group ... what was I thinking!  Working on ideas and samples for classes to finally teach at home.  Lots of projects in various stages await me every day.  Really having time to enjoy my kids and grandkids! Looking forward to my oldest grandchild going off to college and my youngest  son getting married this September.

So now, finally, this new post needs to be published!  More to follow very soon too!



  1. So glad you are back Madeline! And better than ever. Thanks for joining me on the trips- you are such a good sport :-)

    1. Believe it or not Eileen, it was my pleasure! It was all really very good for me!
