Setting up an entire website on my Mac is looking so much easier. Once I have that complete I will post the site here for anyone who would like to check it out.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Working on a Website
Still trying to figure out the set-up for this blog. Just can't seem to decide on the template that I really like and what fonts and colors I want to use. Then there is all the other things that I would like to add.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A New Week
I'm still trying to learn how to add to this blog site. I've been reading several articles about how to add and change things. It looks like it's going to be a slow learning process for me.
Also been going over several others blogs and seeing and reading so many interesting things. It all helps inspire me even more. There are so many people out there who like to share their thoughts with others.
Friday, January 18, 2008
The week-end is here
Another week has come and gone. What did I do when I was working every day? The invites are complete except to add the postage. I'll have to take a photo of one and post it to this blog.
Well, it's going to be the coldest weather so far here this week-end. It's a good night to be sitting at home and blogging.
I have been finding several interesting blogs that I hope to sit and read tonight. Once I get through them I will post the
ones I like. Since my interests are so varied I will have to list them according to interests.
Tomorrow we will be off to Wisconsin for a road trip. We are going to visit a cousin who I haven't seen for at least
twenty years. It's a trip with my older brothers and their wives and my hubby. It's been forty or more years since I have seen what was the family summer home. My memory of the house and the area are in for a BIG surprise.
It should be interesting and will probably be filled with lots of memories for all of us. Well off to read some blogs and check out some books.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Another day with not enough time
Where has the day gone? I sit here doing some web browsing and searching for
a variety of things. Most of the day was spent working on various elements
for the 50 baby shower invitations that I need to get done and in the mail by
the week-end. Will take a photo of the finished invite and show it here.
I'm looking forward to getting some photos of some of my work up on the
blog. I also want to add some other fun touches to the site. Since this is all
so very new to me it will take a few days or maybe even weeks to get this looking
and working the way I would like.
Since I am a late night person I will be checking out some other blogs to see
what everyone is saying. More tomorrow.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
New blog begins
After reading through so many other blogs lately, I felt it was
about time that I get into the act of this very popular way of
communicating with others. Hopefully I will get the hang of
this and share some thoughts of all the things that I love to
do and what I enjoy about my life. As the title of my blog states
I hope to post "just a thought or two".